
  • Teachers are able to mark each question as correct or incorrect. Each page displays four words at a time (student is asked to read a word).
  • Teachers are able to mark multiple questions at a time as correct or incorrect.
  • Teachers are able to save their progress, exit the assessment and resume the assessment later.

Administer the Phonics Screening Check

  1. Open the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check
  2. to start an assessment, select a class or group.
  3. A list of students for the selected class or group will be displayed.
  4. If a student is not yet assessed, the student is marked 'not assessed' and their score will display as 'na'. Click 'Start' to start the assessment for this student.

  5. If you have started and paused a student's assessment, the student will be marked 'paused' and their score will display as 'na'. To resume the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check for this student, click the 'Continue progress' button.

  6. The first page of the assessment displays the name of the student, confirming the selection. Click 'Start assessment' 'Continue progress' to proceed with the assessment.

  7. When beginning the assessment, verify the name of the student.
  8. Mark the student's response to each word as correct or incorrect. Click the individual letters to mark words that are partially correct. For convenience, the letters which are not selected will automatically be marked as incorrect. All questions must be answered to successfully lodge the assessment.
  9. If there are any additional comments, enter them in the comments field. This is optional.
  10. Note that each time a question is answered, the progress bar at the top will indicate the number of questions answered out of the total.

  11. Capture of students’ responses for individual phonemes is improved so that it caters for the circumstances where the student may have recognised all phonemes correctly but did not say the whole word or added extra phonemes while pronouncing the word. The feature will help teachers in assessing students' phonemic awareness and provide a targeted teaching approach to improve phonemic awareness. 

  12. View the list of answered and unanswered questions by clicking on the ‘Go to’ button. This will open a pop-up which will allow a selection of any question for quick navigation.

  13. To mark any remaining unanswered questions as either correct or incorrect, select ‘Mark remaining as…’ and then select ‘Save’.

  14. When all questions are answered, the lodge option will be enabled. Click Lodge to lodge the assessment.
  15. Review and confirm lodgement by clicking 'Yes, lodge assessment'.

  16. Once lodged, a success message will be displayed. Click 'OK'  to close the assessment and return to the main screen.
  17. You may pause/exit the assessment any time. Click the Exit button at any time to exit the screen. The responses and comments will be saved so they will be available the next time an assessment is accessed for a given student.
  18. In the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check main screen, students with lodged assessments are moved to the bottom of the student list. The student status is changed to 'Lodged'.

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