Student enrolment information is collected in your student administration application.
Once students are in attendance at school, student information will be sent to your student administration application pending the student has been placed into a status of 'Enrolled (In attendance)' or 'Applied to Enrol (Risk Assessed)'. The missing student/s may take up to 48 hours to appear in PLAN2.
If your student data is in ERN & your student administration application, but not showing in Best Start or PLAN2, some possible reasons include:
- the student has not been registered in ERN against the correct school
- the student has not been marked as 'Enrolled (In attendance)' or 'Applied to Enrol (Risk Assessed)'
- it has not been 48 hours since the student registration has been updated
- the student has not been assigned to the correct scholastic year and roll class in your student administration application.
If you have checked all of the above, and the student is still not appearing, please log a support ticket