The compare assessment reports allow teachers to compare results from a matching pre-test and post-test.
On this page
The Pre-Post group response analysis and Pre-post question summary will only show results for students that sat both the pre and post-test. The full list of compared students and excluded students are available in the report, below the assessment session details.
Pre-Post group response analysis
- Assessment session details are shown at the top of the report for both selected sessions.
- Details of matching students, as well as students who were excluded for only being in one instead of both sessions, can be viewed by clicking on the students compared/not included links beneath the session details.
- Each student row consists of a student's results, with the upper row showing Pre-test results and the lower row showing Post-test.
- Each column covers equivalent questions from the test, with the question number, report area, syllabus outcome and percentage of students who answered correctly at the top of each column.
- Select the question number at the top to go to the Pre-Post response summary for that question.
- Correct answers are shown as a tick in a green cell.
- Incorrect answers are shown as a cross in a pink cell, alongside the incorrect response chosen by the student. If the student skipped the question, it is shown as 'NR' and marked as incorrect.
- The report is responsive to the width of the browser window and can display more columns on a wider screen.
- The table can be sorted on both rows and columns:
- Rows can be sorted by first name, last name or student score. The default row order is by Last name (A–Z).
- Columns can be sorted by number correct per question, question order or report area. The default column order is by Question order (Lowest to highest)
- Rows can be filtered using the student name search, by selecting the magnifying glass.
- Columns can be filtered using the Syllabus and Report area selections.
- The 'More' menu in the top right corner of the report provides links to export the report to Excel, and to Suggested resources based on the assessment content.
Pre-Post question summary
- Assessment session details are shown at the top of the report for both selected sessions.
- Questions are shown in pairs of rows showing equivalent questions. Each pair of rows shows a score marker, question number, report area, label for 'Pre' or 'Post', percentage of students who answered correctly, and a count of students who answered correctly.
- The score marker indicates whether scores decreased (down arrow), remained the same (diamond) or increased (up arrow) from the pre-test to the post-test.
- The report can be sorted by selecting the relevant arrow in the header or via the dropdown Sort menu.
- The report can be filters using the Syllabus or Report area selections.
Pre-Post response summary
- Matched assessment results are shown separately from one another.
- Switch between results for the Pre-test and Post-test by selecting the label above the assessment session details.
- Assessment session details are shown at the top of the report.
- The response summary shows one question per page, including the question stem and possible responses.
- Correct answers are shown with a tick in a green box.
- Incorrect answers are shown with a red cross in a grey box.
- The percentage of students who chose a response is shown next to each response. The response chosen by the most students in the session has the word 'Top' in red text underneath its box.
- Supporting information about each question is available under the responses including feedback, skill, Target syllabus, Learning progression and Suggested resources.