The student details reports provide more context to how students answered each question and can help to show areas of strength and opportunities for growth.
On this page
Student analysis
- Assessment session details are shown at the top of the report
- Students are shown one at a time and can be navigated between using the arrow buttons or by selecting from the drop down of student names.
- All questions in the assessment are shown, with the response selected by the student.
- Correct responses are shown in a green box with a tick.
- Incorrect responses are in a pink box with a cross.
- Skipping the question is shown as incorrect with 'NR' instead of a response.
- If the student was assigned the assessment but did not start it, they will show in the list but the Response column will be blank.
- Each row shows Question number and stem, Response selected, and additional response details which include Teacher feedback, Report group, Outcomes, Content and Learning progression.
- The additional details can be navigated using the buttons above the table.
- The 'Show summary' dropdown selection can be used to display a count of correct answers out of total answers for each detail other than Teacher feedback.
- The 'Show summary' options change depending on the currently selected response details. For example when viewing 'Learning progression' details, the Indicator summary and Sub-element summary are available.
- The 'More' menu in the top right corner of the report provides links to export the report to Excel, and to Suggested resources based on the assessment content.
Group response analysis
- Assessment session details are shown at the top of the report
- Each row consists of a single student's results
- Each column covers a single question from the test, with the question number, report area, syllabus outcome, correct answer and percentage of students who answered correctly at the top of each column.
- Correct answers are shown as a tick in a green cell.
- Incorrect answers are shown as a cross in a pink cell, alongside the incorrect response chosen by the student. If the student skipped the question, it is shown as 'NR' and marked as incorrect.
- A blank row is shown if the student was assigned the assessment but did not start it.
- Correct answers are shown as a tick in a green cell.
- The report is responsive to the width of the browser window and can display more columns on a wider screen.
- Use the arrows above the top right corner of the table to navigate the columns displayed on the screen.
- The table can be sorted on both rows and columns.
- Rows can be sorted by first name, last name or student score. The default row order is by Last name (A–Z).
- Columns can be sorted by number correct per question, question order or report area. The default column order is by Question order (Lowest to highest)
- Rows can be filtered using the student name search.
- Columns can be filtered using the Syllabus and Report area selections.
- The 'More' menu in the top right corner of the report provides links to export the report to Excel, and to Suggested resources based on the assessment content.
Question analysis
- Assessment session details are shown at the top of the report
- Questions are shown one at time, with the question stem above a table showing all student responses for the selected assessment session.
- Results can be sorted by student name or response using the arrow in the header.
- Correct responses are shown next to a tick in a green cell.
- Incorrect responses are shown next to a cross in a pink cell. If the student skipped the question, it is classed as incorrect, but will show 'NR' instead of a response.
- A blank row is shown if the student was assigned the assessment but did not start it.
- Correct responses are shown next to a tick in a green cell.
- Question details are shown down the right hand side of the screen, including target syllabus outcomes and content, response feedback, learning progression and suggested resources. These can be revealed or hidden by selecting the relevant header.
- Use horizontal arrows to navigate between questions in the order they appeared. Alternatively, use the dropdown menu to jump to a specific question.