Student results are available from the assessment session, accessed via Assessment activity in Online Assessments.
On this page
Navigate to the session
- Open Online assessments.
- Select ‘Assessment activity’
- Select the relevant assessment session. You can use the search bar to find an assessment.
NOTE: Analysis is not available for scheduled assessments until after they have opened. - Student results appear as students complete the assessment, when the page is refreshed. The count of correct responses appears in a coloured circle next to their name, with the colour reflecting the percentage correct.
- Select Analyse to view the available reports.
- The reports are grouped into sections according to use. Select the report you would like to review.
NOTE: Student results are also available in PLAN2 for comprehensive assessments only. For more information, go to Viewing comprehensive assessment results in PLAN2.
Available reports
- The Question summary shows a high level summary of questions and how many answered correctly.
- The Response summary provides a question-by-question summary of chosen responses, with information about syllabus and progression targeting.
Student details
- The Student analysis report shows how each student answered all questions in a set, with Teacher feedback, Report group, Outcomes, Content and Learning Progression information for each question.
- The Group response analysis is a Guttman chart with results per student in a table overview of the assessment session.
- The Question analysis shows how each question was answered by all students in an assessment session.
Compare assessment
The Compare assessment group of reports are available for paired assessments where a group of students has completed the pre-test and corresponding post-test.
- The Pre-Post group response analysis report is a Guttman chart, similar to Student details Group response analysis, but it includes both the pre and post test results next to each other.
- The Pre-Post question summary report is similar to the Question summary but includes both pre and post test results next to each other, alongside an indicator for whether there was an increase, decrease or same number of students that answered each question correctly.
- The Pre-Post response summary report has an option to toggle quickly between results for the pre test and post test in a set.
Suggested resources
- Suggested resources provides links to relevant content from the Universal Resources Hub
The Assessment results summary
- Provides a summary of the assessment activity screen including student results
- Easy access by selecting the Export button at the top of the assessment activity window for the session.
- Report includes student details, score, percentage correct, attempt status and date attempted
- Able to be printed, shared or manipulated for customised analysis