The assessment activity page shows assessments that have been assigned to students at your school. It also allows teachers to analyse the results of completed assessments.

On this page

Selecting an assessment

Assessments can be found using the search bar to search for keywords in the set name or session code, or by using the filters located below the search bar.

Available filters include:

  • Assigned by
  • Class
  • Status
  • Syllabus
  • Start date
  • End date
  • Content Area
  • Progressions
  • Assessment
  • Stage

If your chosen filters return no matches (e.g. if you have chosen a content area and completely different syllabus outcome) you will receive the following message. Please 'Clear all' filters and try an alternative search term or choice of filters.

Assessment activity page

The assessment activity page shows the purpose, name of the assessment, the assessment status, the start and end details, how many students have been assigned, how many have submitted, which cohort the students belong to and which staff member assigned the assessment.

There is also a unique session code shown which can be used to identify a session when contacting support.


Select an assessment to view further details, make changes to the assessment, or begin analysis.

Dashboard assessment details

The dashboard assessment details page provides information about the progress of students who have been assigned assessments.


Select the dates assigned to edit the scheduled dates.

Note: Once an assessment has been started, only the end date can be edited. 



Select Edit to assign additional students before or during the assessment.


As students complete their assessments, their scores will appear on the page.


To end the assessment for all students, click on Close and collect remaining. This will prevent any further students from being added and end any open assessments.

Use Analyse to review student attempts. There are up to four different reports available for analysis.


Use Assign post-test to easily assign the related post-test with the same group of students automatically selected.


Use Delete to remove a session that was created accidentally and is not going to be used.

Assessment results summary

Select the Export button to download the assessment results summary as an excel document. 

The assessment results summary provides includes an overview of the assessment session along with student details, score, percentage correct, attempt status and date attempted. This can then be manipulated like any other excel document.