
The assessment details page shows more information about each assessment including options to preview the assessment and assign it to students. 

On this page

Accessing the assessment details page

  1. Open Online assessments
  2. Select Find new assessments
  3. Search or filter to find the assessment you wish to view.
  4. Select the tile for your chosen assessment.
    NOTE: Paired assessments will have two buttons per assessment (one pre-test and one post-test). All other assessments have a single button.

Overview of Assessment details

Assessment details may include:

  • number of questions
  • stage
  • content area
  • how the test should be used (pre-test, post-test, broad syllabus coverage)
  • overview of what is assessed
  • syllabus/curriculum alignment
  • National Learning Progressions alignment
  • assessment requirements
  • ‘How to use this assessment’
  • related resources and professional learning.


Previewing the assessment

Previewing the assessment allows teachers to view an example of the assessment as students will see it and to navigate through the questions.

  1. Click on the Preview button to open a new tab showing the name of the assessment and the Start Assessment button.

  2. Click Start Assessment to begin the preview. This will show each question as it will be presented to students.
    NOTE: Teachers can skip or answer the questions but the responses will not be marked or stored.

  3. To exit the preview, close the tab at any time or click through to Finish and the tab will be closed automatically.


PDF view

The PDF button provides a downloadable and printable version of the assessment for the teacher to preview.

  1. Click on the PDF button to open a Print Preview in a new tab.

  2. Click on the Print button in the top right corner to print a paper copy or save as PDF.

View activity

The View activity button shows the assessment activity page and filters for the currently selected assessment.