
The Passport for learning (the Passport) is a new formative assessment for students with complex learning needs, especially those needing support to establish a first language. The Passport is a holistic assessment of student development across 4 domains - Cognitive, Receptive, Expressive and Social (CRES), developed by 2 NSW Schools for Specific Purposes (SSPs) and Ylana Bloom (Speech Pathologist).

The Passport for learning Bloom assessments are educator observation and judgement frameworks. These assessments involve educators observing students in day-to-day activities and then making judgements on a student’s ability across the domains and key skills. The Bloom assessments enable a granular look at a wide range of key skills that make up the CRES domains. Given the range of skills assessed, the Passport can take educators longer to complete, ranging from a few weeks to much of a term to assess a whole class. It is important to complete all four domains to gain an accurate assessment of your student. 

The Passport app provides educators with a structured and systematic way to observe students and make decisions about their progress. 




Entering observations for Bloom Blue-Red and Red-Green assessment

1. Select the Year and Class or Group you want to view. To create or manage groups, refer to Managing groups.

Note: When you select a year level, you will be able to see all groups which have students in that year level. When you select a specific group, you will be able to see all students in that group irrespective of the year level selected.


2. The Overall screen displays all the students in the selected group. Student tiles are sorted alphabetically from A to Z  based on Last Name and can be sorted using the Sort function.

3. Students who have no recorded Bloom assessments, will have a 'New Bloom assessment' link on their tile. Students who do have recorded Bloom assessments will have a link on their tile, to the last edited Bloom assessment (for example, 'Bloom Red-Green Semester 1 2022'). Bloom assessment data for the same record would be displayed in the Bloom profile section in the Profile button.

Note: Click on the information icon i at the top of each page to access the help texts – Home, Overall, Bloom, Manage Groups. 

4. To create a new Bloom assessment record, you can either:

  1. Click on the New Bloom assessment button for a specific student.


   b. Click on the 'Bloom' tab and select New Bloom assessment. To use this function, you would need to select the student as the first step.



5. Select the type of Bloom assessment you would like to use, and the assessment period then click Next. Current Semester year would be defaulted on this screen, you can select previous semesters if required. The Bloom assessment option window is only displayed the first time, once an assessment is initiated, a record will be displayed on the student tile and clicking on it will directly open the data entry page.  

6. Select the domains: Cognitive, Receptive, Expressive or Social and then the question (for example, C1a) to record an observation. You can search a specific question based on keyword appearing in the question.     

Please note you would need to select a question to proceed to the next step on this page and would not be able to close this window.




7. Record an observation by updating the Date assessed, Notes and Select Passport Colour fields. Date assessed is defaulted to today’s date but can be changed to a past date.



8. To switch between assessments select the Switch to Red-Green or Switch to Blue-Red button. For Red-Green Bloom assessment the colours displayed would change and questions for the domains would be different as well. Even If you switch between assessments for a student so let's say so started with Red-Green and switched to Blue-Red or vice-versa the incomplete assessment would be stored and visible in the app.  

9. To move to the next student use the left or right arrows next to the students name or search for the student's name by clicking the ellipses. If the first student is selected then the left arrow key will be disabled, similarly if the last student is selected then the right arrow key will be disabled.     



10. To move to the next question use the left or right arrows next to the question or select the ellipses to search for a question. If the first question is selected then the left arrow key will be disabled, similarly if the last question is selected then the right arrow key will be disabled.                          



11. You can use the Undo button to clear any changes you made.                                      

12. Clicking on the ? Icon next to the Bloom Blue-Red and Bloom Red-Green title will display some useful information regarding the assessment.

13. Click Save to save the assessment.


14. After clicking save, you can continue to record observations for different questions or students by using the left and right arrow keys. To exit the Bloom assessment data entry page, click on the Close button.


  • Note: There is an auto save feature which gets triggered when you enter any observations and click on the arrow keys to move to a different question or student. In case you make any changes a message is displayed ‘Unsaved changes’, if you try to navigate from the pages without saving a confirmation pop up will be displayed.             
  • Connectivity: If internet connectivity is lost when you are entering observations a message will be displayed in the bottom right corner of the screen. Please don't make any further changes and do not refresh the page until connectivity is restored or any entered data will be lost.
  • Once connectivity is restored you will see this message in the bottom right corner of the screen and you may continue using the application as intended.


15. If a Bloom assessment is in progress, then a tick with dotted circles is displayed on the student tile for that record, if all questions have been answered then a tick with complete circle is displayed.                                                         



Viewing the assessment summary


1. To view the Bloom assessment summary select the year level and class or group on the home page.  Then click Bloom and select either Blue to Red Class summary or Red to Green Class summary

2. Select the Assessment Period and Domain you would like to view. By default, Assessment Period would be current Year Semester and Domain would be All.


3. The Bloom Blue-Red Class Summary and Bloom Red-Green Class Summary screens display the assessment results of all students in the specified group or class.  



4. Click the Keys button to view the legend for the colours.

5. Click on any coloured cell to view a further details pop-up window on the recorded Bloom assessment data entry. Clicking on the Edit button in the pop-up window will navigate you to the Bloom assessment data entry page for the question selected. Clicking on a blank cell on the Bloom summary page will navigate you directly to the Bloom assessment data entry page for the question selected.

6. If a Bloom assessment data entry has been edited more than once, the further details pop-up window will also show a View history button. Click on this button to view all detailed history of Bloom assessment observations entered for this question.

7. To export the report, select Export which appears on the top right of the screen. Please make sure to select the relevant students and assessment period if you want to export them into a PDF.


8. The PDF report contains the same data visible on the app screen and displays it in a similar format. Each page displays a max of 5-6 students, the remaining students will spill over to the next page.      

9.  Click on the Profile button on the student tile to view the high-level summary of observations recorded for both Posters and Bloom assessment. 

  • Poster profile, the first section displays the observations entered for each of the selected days, across all of the domains. Click on the pencil icon as shown below to navigate to the Passport poster assessment data entry page.
  • You can export the Poster profile data of a specific student by clicking on the Export poster profile button. The exported file will be downloaded in a PDF format. If the student does not have any Poster observations recorded the Export poster profile button will be disabled.

  • Bloom assessment, the second section, visually displays in a column graph format, the number of Bloom assessment questions that a Passport colour group has been selected for. This section will always display the latest modified bloom assessment and the colours would change depending on if it’s a Blue-Red or Red-Green assessment. It will also display the total count of questions for each domain and the count of answered ones. Not assessed questions would be displayed as n/a. 
  • You can click on the pencil icon in this section to navigate to the data entry page for Bloom assessment. 
  • Clicking on the Bloom summary button will navigate you to either Blue-Red or Red-Green summary page depending on the assessment displayed.
  • Clicking on the Bloom - Student change report will navigate you to the Student change report screen.


  • History the last section, displays the most recent history of the Poster and Bloom assessment. It will also display the count of modifications done for both Poster as well as Bloom. If the student has not been assessed, the following message will be displayed - 'This student does not have any Bloom/Poster assessments recorded yet'.

  • Clicking on View all history button will display the complete history for both Poster and Bloom in separate tabs. In the Bloom tab, each history recorded will display the semester, year, type of Bloom assessment, domain, notes, date, name of the person entering the observation, question and Passport colour group selected.


  • Each section on the profile screen has information icons i, clicking on the icons will display more information on each section.