NOTE: For best experience, please use desktop/laptop and Google Chrome web browser when accessing and using the Phonics diagnostic online tool.


  • Teachers are able to view a list of students in classes or groups.
  • Teachers are able to view each student's completion or lodgement status.
  • Teachers are able to view each student's score.

Watch the how-to video

Viewing student information

Open the Phonics diagnostic assessment online tool then follow these steps:

  1. Select the Year level, Class or group and Word list of the students you want to view. A student list will display.

  2. The student list will display each student's assessment completion status and score
  3. If a student is not yet assessed for the selected Word list, the student is marked 'not assessed' and their score will display as 'na'. To start the Phonics diagnostic assessment for this student, select the 'Start' button.

  4. If you have started and paused a student's assessment, the student will be marked 'paused' and their score will display as 'na'. To resume the Phonics diagnostic assessment for this student, select the 'Continue progress' button.

  5. Once a student's assessment has been completed and lodged, the student's score (count of correct responses) will be displayed in the orange circle beside the student's name in the student list. For students re-assessed multiple times, their score from the most recently lodged assessment will be displayed. To re-administer the Phonics diagnostic assessment for a student, select the 'Re-assess' button.

  6. Use the filter at the top of the page to quickly see the list of all students assessed in a class or group and all those who are not.

  7. Use the Filter by option as an alternative to view a list of students who have not been assessed (Start), are in progress (Continue progress), or have completed an assessment (Lodged).

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