
  • Student responses in the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check are mapped to indicators from the National Literacy Learning Progression with information automatically recorded in PLAN2.
  • PLAN2 supports the use of literacy and numeracy learning progressions in all NSW schools.
  • Learn more about how PLAN2 supports the viewing of DoE assessment observations

How to view assessment information in PLAN2 from the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check app

  1. From the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check app, click Class analysis then select ‘Analyse a snapshot of student learning in PLAN2’ or ‘View or record further observations in PLAN2’.

  2. PLAN2 will open in a new browser tab. The Cohort snapshot analysis or the Class observations will be generated based on your selected year level and class. These fields will be pre-filled for you:
    1. Year level
    2. Class or group
    3. Students
    4. Domain - Literacy 
    5. Observation dates - this field is used in Cohort snapshot analysis, defaults to "Any date"
    6. Assessment - PHON-SC
    7. Sub-elements and levels - sub-elements, levels and progression indicators related to PHON-SC

How to view assessment information in PLAN2 app

  1. Log in to the ALAN homepage.
  2. In the ALAN homepage, select PLAN2.

  3. PLAN2 loads the Class observations module as default.
  4. In Class observations, select the Assessments tab.
  5. Select the Year level, Class or group and Student/s you want to view.
  6. Select Literacy for the Domain field.

  7. In the Filter indicators from PLAN2 mapped assessments field, select Year 1 Phonics Screening Check (PHON-SC).

  8. By selecting the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check (PHON-SC) filter, the sub-elements and levels will be filtered to show only the sub-element and levels mapped to the Phonics Screening Check.

  9. Click the Generate class observations button to generate the Class observations data

  10. The Class observations data table will display the indicators and most recent indicator status recorded for each student.

  11. Click on an indicator status cell for a student to view the indicator status information.

  12. In the Student observation history pop-up screen, you will see the last observation recorded for the selected student. Indicator status recorded from the Phonological awareness diagnostic assessment is labelled 'PHON-SC'
  13. WIthdrawn students will not have any data recorded in PLAN2.

Related information

For more assessment resources and information on professional learning, visit the Phonics Screening Check web page.