- Student responses in the Phonological awareness diagnostic assessment are mapped to indicators from the National Literacy Learning Progression indicators with information automatically recorded in PLAN2.
- PLAN2 supports the use of literacy and numeracy learning progressions in all NSW schools.
- Learn more about class observations for PLAN2.
How to view assessment information in PLAN2
1. Select the PLAN2 tile on the ALAN homepage.
2. Select the 'Observe' tile
3. Select the 'Class observations' tile
4. Select to browse by Assessment
This filter allows users to select a set of progression indicators and observations mapped to a specific DoE assessment

5. Select a Year level and Class or group

6. Select the Student/s

7. Select the Phonological awareness diagnostic assessment (PHAW) filter. By using the this filter, the sub-elements and levels will be filtered to show only the sub-elements and levels mapped to the Phonological awarenesss diagnostic assessment.

9. The Class observations data table will display the indicators and most recent indicator status recorded for each student. For more information about the Class observations table, please view the Class observations for PLAN2 guide.